Villa Marie Degree College for Women

(Affiliated to Osmania University, Management Programs Approved by AICTE)

Recognised by UGC u/s 2(f), an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Accredited by NAAC with 'B++' Grade (1st Cycle)

# 6-3-1089, Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082 Telangana

Tel: +91-40-23391966/23306302


Program Objectives:


PO1: To provide conceptual knowledge with an integrated approach to all the functional areas of management.

PO2: To equip students with the ability to collect, analyse & interpret complex data to inform business decisions.

PO3: To enable students to use data analytics to drive business decision making, optimise processes & create value.

PO4: To promote people skills, communication skills, personality traits and a spirit of cooperation to accomplish predefined goals.

PO5: To demonstrate business and entrepreneurial aptitude to start/manage innovative businesses.


Program Outcomes:


→ PO1: Acquire conceptual knowledge of management practices, skills in functional areas of management and legal and ethical issues of business administration.

→ PO2: Analyse complex data sets to inform business decisions.

→ PO3: Develop & implement data driven solutions to business problems by optimising processes..

→ PO4: Establish people skills, communication skills, personality traits, professionalism, social and emotional intelligence while accomplishing their goals.

→ PO5: Attain entrepreneurial traits and manage innovative businesses to cater to the needs of consumers at large.


Value Additions:


1) Application of theoretical concepts into real life situations through Presentations, Group Discussions & Panel Discussions

2) Engage with case material in a stimulating learning environment

3) Industry-Connect program to give hands on experience of the real time business world

4) Fun management games to infuse fun based learning


Certificate Courses for additional credits to the discipline. These include Soft Skills & Personality Development, Digital Marketing, Compendium of Start-ups, Brand Management, IBM Certificate on SPSS, Tally, Personal Branding and Networking as a skill to name a few.

Clubs of the Department:


Gesto – One Purpose One Mission One Dream – The Management Club initiated on 8th March 2020



→ To create and disseminate knowledge, and to produce globally competitive & socially responsive leaders

→ To stimulate critical thinking

→ Developing research, analytical and creative abilities

→ Listening to and accepting opposite opinions related to controversial issues, i.e. improving the skills in reaching a consensus

→ Benefit from each other’s experiences in their respective fields and strengthen cooperation among them

→ The development of different management skills through training and its importance in the life of the graduate student

→ Organising and participating in various events

Signature Events:


Strategia – The Power of Mind: A 2-day annual management meet that culminates the activities of the dept into a pot-pourri of business simulation, business plan, marketing strategy, research methodology & many more competitions to enable the all-round development of the student. It involves the application of theoretical concepts into real time situations that fosters ingenuity, creativity & innovation.

Career Prospects:


Scope for Higher Studies:


⇒ Student can pursue a Masters Degree in Management with specialisations in their chosen area of operations – Finance / Marketing / Human Resources / Business Analytics / Retail Management / Hospital Management and many more


⇒ Can also pursue a Masters Degree in Commerce


⇒ Can opt for Diploma Courses in allied areas of management


Employment Opportunities:


A BBA degree could lead to a national or an international career in


⇒ Entrepreneurship: Be your own boss.


⇒ Consultancy: Use your expertise to help businesses optimize their activities.


Business Analyst: Analyse data to inform business decisions


Operations Research Analyst: Use Analytics to optimise business processes


Data Scientist: Extract insights from data to drive business growth


Marketing Analyst: Analyse customer data to design marketing strategies


Financial Analyst: Analyse financial data to strategize investment decisions


H R Analyst: Analyse HR data to optimise organizational performance

Duration 3 YEARS
ELIGIBILITY: Intermediate/CBSE /ISC/Equivalent